Preparing tax returns on your own can be a frustrating process. Some items you may not have considered can drastically affect your return, often to your detriment. That’s where Glass Tax Service, LLC can help you. We are a full service tax preparation business located in Brownsburg, Indiana which is 10 miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana.
As a Christian business, we treat clients with the highest integrity with regard to their personal information and individual income tax situations. tax preparation
We provide tax planning services using the most up-to-date tax information for the greatest accuracy. Through training and experience, we can significantly reduce the amount of income taxes you owe. tax preparation tax services near me
In addition to our experience preparing taxes for over 37 years, we attend annual training to maintain our knowledge base regarding current laws and regulations as they relate to individual and small business taxation. tax preparation best tax service
Because we are a home-based business, we have the ability to save money for our clients on their income tax preparation fees through overhead cost savings when compared to such franchises as H & R Block, Jackson Hewitt and Liberty Tax Service.